產品名稱: 傳統袋鼠暖貼 暖貼大小: 130mm*95mm 暖貼發熱時刻: 8小時 暖貼温度: 52℃ ~ 63℃ 暖貼重量: 30g 暖貼到期日: 12/2021 暖貼批發數量: 暖貼價錢(HKD$)/個: 100-499個 $1.3 500-999個 $1.2 1000-2999個 $1.1
f買賣及批發 / 家居fevercreation

HK handwarmer 暖包批發詳細價單(2019年1月) 下載暖包暖貼價目表: https://www.feverhandwarmer.club/ 注:每月的貨品價格與種類也可能有所改變 現貨貨量,存量有限,如果想要現貨,請聯絡我們去詢問取貨量。 若有興趣,請致電/ Whatsapp : 66310974 (林小姐) Email: [email protected]
f買賣及批發 / 家居fevercreation

Description JobsRnR(jobsrnr.com)was founded on the simple belief that peer-to-peer referrals represent the strongest form of endorsement. Our goal is to connect employers with qualified and talented
商業 / 顧問Kobe Yung

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Swimming is for surviving
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The office will be shared with another independent agency. You will have 1-4 desks and storage space. We prefer people who are in the fields of tutoring, strings teaching, consulting, writing and some

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香港大學文學院學士 (主修英文/翻譯)​ 中文大學性別研究碩士 五年以上英文補習經驗 曾幫助不少副學士學生進入心儀大學(本人代寫的論文,personal statement均獲A/A-),協助大學生應付大學功課。 不少學生升往心儀院校,如美國University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),英國London School of Economics (LSE
教學進修 / 補習Izzy Chan

適用課程︰IGCSE, IB, HKDSE 資歷 Qualifications - 英國劍橋大學碩士 (優異) Postgraduate from the University of Cambridge (Merit) - 香港中文大學英文系一級榮譽畢業,連續四年被選入院長名單 English Major graduating with First-Class Honours from the
f教學進修 / 補習fitz852lo
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